Pretty funny when support members are questioning Jamie's ways of reporting n she (DC) blames it on the fact Jamie was bullied a lot throughout his life and his unique style gonzo journalism I guess what she is saying is if were bullied as a child its ok to grow up n BULLY OTHERS WTG DEBBIE WHAT A GREAT OUTLOOK ON LIFE and u preach anti bullying all the time Wow you must dream in High Def my dear do u have any idea how ...... U look r8 now god I love you xo
This is written in regards to the follow conversation
CFN Supporter Debbie, the tone of that article is bullying in itself....? Isn't this the same guy that was in a video for a chinese restaurant?
Debbie Cameron This has been an ongoing issue in Cornwall, Jamie has done a lot to expose corruption & I thank him for that. The culture of Cornwall needs to change, I have lived here all my life & I know we need change to improve this town. 28 March at 09:58
CFN Supporter Exposing corruption is something to applaud. It's the tone of the article I object to. One can't accuse others of bullying and then do the same. There are ways to say things to expose the truth without an undertone of bullying. Know what I mean? 28 March at 09:59
Debbie Cameron I guess it's in the eye of the beholder... 28 March at 10:01
CFN SUPPORTER I suppose. I don't know any of them, so I can't speak as to anyone's character or lack thereof etc. I guess I prefer articles that remain factual and to the point, as opposed to a vicious rant - which is how it came across. 28 March at 10:06
Debbie Cameron Jamie has endured a lot of bullying & he is fighting back.The bottom line is he is defending himself.He has a unique style of writing called "gonzo", but the articles are ALWAYS factual. His online paper has given many a voice, like language rights groups & I will continue to have his back 28 March at 10:12